Thursday, September 26, 2013


What makes any Chilean a Chilean, is the lack of interest in anything that is meaningful in Chile, by this i mean that, anything related to the territory and history of the country/nation, is widely underrated at the point where, the knowledge traditional manners is considered a symbol of poorness and/or ignorance. As you said, the context is absolutely relevant, in Chile, the tradition is to hate ourselves, hate our "impure roots", trying to approach an enlightened state, always focusing on the bigger cities, ignoring every little town, giving the illusion of progress by tall buildings and dirty streets.
But not everything is terrible, in the country the traditions of shyness and bitterness are opaqued by other ones that involve the knowledge of the resources, the pride for the land under the feet. And by this i am not necessarily meaning ancient roots of traditions, but the feeling that every person should have for their surroundings, those that are almost vanished here in the bigger cities. If we can not see what is the land under our feet, then we can't know our past, neither our future, leaving us stuck in a present without identity.
We, stranded in the city, have to search everywhere to find anything meaningful to us, so we try, every year to emulate what could it be to have actual traditions, playing with colors, fabrics and foods, like puppeteers trying to give life to a dirty sock.
What we are, is where we live. Today, we live nowhere.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

About last semester

Actually, it seemed to me a little bit lazy, personally, i want to go for the archaeology specialization, so in overall this past two years in the career have been very upsetting for me sometimes. 
Obviously there are exceptions, if every single subject i had were so boring, i would not bother to coming to the classes (including this one). 
In retrospective, i think i might learnt a lot of things that i might not understand at all, finding specifically difficult to understand everything that is related to social relationships and culture (which is something to worry about since i'm studying this career in particular). I think that the main reason for this mental blockade were my first expectations of the whole career, and of course, the little actual amount of classes we had because of the strikes.
This semester is different, having "missed" the opportunity to fully understand the learnings in my last three semesters, i have a different perspective for this one, it might not be the most fulfilling semester for my expectations about the career, but as i see it, it has the potential on it's own to be an entertaining semester with lots of field working assignments and practical classes.
I feel very comfortable about this semester, it promises quite as much as the first one i had, but as the same, i am afraid that the strikes will become an obstacle to having actual interactive classes, replaced by boring readings, of subjects i find hard to relate to, as an archaeology enthusiast
Sorry for being late by the way.